Chandigarh : An aesthetically designed cake mixing ceremony was held at City Beautiful’s iconic Novotel Hotel Tribune Chowk today, heralding Xmas festivities in the tricity. This unique moment of ecstasy and celebration was performed along with Pastry Chef Daya Joshi and Sous-Chef Raman. “Though an old ceremony practiced in traditional Christian households, cake mixing has now very much become a part of our lives. We are living in a new global order and Covid19 has taught us the importance of sharing every moment of happiness with all. Novotel Hotel is keeping this tradition alive,” said Ashish Battoo, GM, Novotel Hotel. Talking about the cake, Battoo said the cake had a balanced mix of various ingredients, but mainly there were nuts, cranberries, raisins, cinnamon, and fruits. “It is an entirely different kind of occasion which fills you with a unique sense of festive happiness. The cake symbolizes our quest for happiness in our lives,” he added. Pastry Chef Daya...